Business Email Please provide a valid business email address. We require your email address in order to send the Amazon gift card.
What is the name of the school district you work with?
What is the reason for leaving Intervention Manager?
If able, how likely are you to resubscribe to Intervention Manager? (On a scale, 1 Not at All Likely, 10 Extremely Likely)
What conditions would lead you to consider resubscribing? Would you give us any constructive feedback on our Intervention Manager solution?
What did you like about Intervention Manager?
Why did you originally subscribe to Intervention Manager? Were you ready to implement an MTSS solution?
Were your I&RS/MTSS team members notified of the transition to using LinkIt as your MTSS system?
Were you well supported by your Intervention Manager and Customer Success Manager? Specifically, was training provided to appropriate stakeholder groups, including your I&RS/MTSS team? Please provide any relevant context.
What would you do differently if you were to implement Intervention Manager again? What, if any, were the obstacles in implementing Intervention Manager?
Is the IM platform and process intuitive?
Did the IM platform improve over time with new enhancements?